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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with ice transition

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I have been playing hockey since I could walk....roller hockey. Some friends have finally convinced me to make the move to ice. I am a decent skater on ice but it is extremely frustrating because I cant manuever like I can on roller. I am buying a new pair of ice skates and have been looking at the Bauer Vector X's...hockeygiant has a deal that also throws in a Tri Flex Gold stick. I heard they dont age well. Obviously, it has to do with personal liking, but for someone comeing from roller, what skate would be best in the $150 range? Should I get Mission ice skates if I have Mission roller? Also, if there are any other suggestions for someone making the change to ice after a roller background I would appreciate it.

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Usually the best deals are on discontinued skate models, you get a lot more skate for your money. That said, you should really try them on to make sure they fit properly and comfortably.

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Good idea...try on as many older models (discountinued) and you should be able to get a former top-of-the-line skate in your price range. If you used Mission for roller, you might find that you're most comfortable with Mission's. Have a look at the Pure Flys and the Pure Lites. Should be right around what you want to pay.

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Thank god theres more roller hockey crossovers, I played roller my whole life until high school wen i tried out for the school ice team. Some suggestions from one "wheeler" to another most of your roller moves arnt going to work, you cant go through the legs and step aside (most of the time) becuase u will get hit (something i learned the hard way) second i found ce hockey to be 100 times faster and u have that much less time to think, i got more tired in ice then i would in roller, then theres the obvious: u know the pucks heavier, a real frustrating lesson ie the puck slides a whole lot more, and my number one word of advice, dont give up. My first year i flat out sucked, it takes a long time to get the hang of it. keep playing roller just to stay comfortable with hockey at all, and just be patient, you will get used to ice hockey soon enough.

on the equipment front, id try using sticks with a little less flex I.E. if u use an 85 in roller try a 95 or 100, basically just the next flex up.

Hope i could help.

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Yea...it's gonna be frustrating. I just bought the louisville TPS rubber with 100 flex and am looking into Mission Pure Fly skates. I know I shouldn't expect to be that great on ice right away but its frustrating when I can dominate in roller. Hopefully my first rough season will pay off.

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