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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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As far as people saying that there were scenes filmed where this and that happened, that is true. There were multiple scripts and multiple scenes filmed so that no one could leak what was going to happen. As far as I know, most of the actors didn't even know what was going to be the true ending.

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Ok, but it's been well established that when you get popped, you don't know when or by who. So wouldn't it make sense that you didn't see the guy?

I don't know if that's been 'well established', several characters were shot from the front, which would mean they obviously saw thier attacker. As well if this were the case the attacker would have had come from behind Tony, which judging from the set-up of the location doesn't seem plausable. I also think if Chase intended for Tony to be killed at the end in this manner it would have made way more sense for the camera view to be from Tony's perspective before going black, such as looking at Meadow coming through the door, rather than of Tony's face.

All in all I think it was a great final scene, and I suspect as time goes on and we start to look back, it will be remembered as one of the all time classic scenes in television history.

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another rumor my mother told me after tallking to somebody who was a "friend" of david chase. She said that she was told that another scene was shot where Tony was shot coming out of the bing and was killed. I assume this could have just been used as an alternate so nobody on the inside knew what was coming...

I heard almost the same thing but it was Walnuts who got whacked at the Bing when he went to the meeting that no one showed up at. Apparently he was to walk out of it and get killed.

I also had a friend tell me to watch the final scene again, he said as the bell ring and Tony looks up he makes a move for with his arm like he's going for a gun. There will be speculation about the ending of the show forever. It's just like LOST, everyone has their own ideas on how things are.

The actor that portrayed Paulie specifically had it written into his contract that he would never:

A- Get whacked (which is why he got cancer in case he was going to be written off the show, he could go that way)

B- Be a rat

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