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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Right skate wobble

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In my search to find a great fitting skate for my narrow heel,wide forefoot and medium arched high volume foot I bought a pair of Nike Quest V9 skates - 8D.

My issue is that when I make a tigh turn to the left at speed, my right skate

( inside edge) wobbles, or oscillates. It doesn't lose an edge. MY LHS has checked the skates and they are fine as far as blade straightness. It's only the right skate. These skates are wider than most, the heel fit is very snug and the forefoot is comfortable. My right foot is the shorter/narrower of the two.

I don't get the wobble if I am not way back on my heel, and I didn't get the wobble when the skates were profiled with the typical heel lean of the Tuuks.

Could this be a too wide forefoot issue? I don't notice any slop in the forefoot, but it is comfortable. Is it a profile issue? MY LHS is top notch, he didn't see any issues but I could have him just reprofile the skates- he didn't do the original job. Thanks for any help!

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