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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shops in Edmonton

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hi guys.

Im hoping someone will be able to help me out with this...

Im visiting a friend in Edmonton and im looking to find any decent hockey shops in the area..does anyone know of any? It would be great if they do good conversions (ice to roller) and maybe any shops that stock pro stock (while i have the chance as we dotn get so much in UK!)

EDIT: Thanks for the reply HockeyIsLife! Turns out i'm also gonna be in Calgary for a day or so, so again anyone know of any good shops to be found there?

Any help would be great


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Lets see.....

Theres two pro skate stores in Edmonton. If you want skates these are the guys to go to. United cycle has the best selction for sticks and equipment. Any sportchecks in Edmonton are good but I wouldn't buy composite sticks from them because of some bad expiriences but wood ones are fine. Also Sportmart has some stuff but not as good as Sportcheck.

If you dont have that much time than I would check out Pro Skates, United Cycle and Sportcheck for sure.

That pretty much sums up the whole city.

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at totem they have some pro stock oilers stuff. some gloves and lately some sticks. picked up a stoll fuel for 150 yesterday

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Definately pro skate if you need ice skates this is Mecca. Here's a link to there web site. They are what LHS and knowledge are all about.


Really can't go wrong in a decent size hockey shop anywhere in Canada. The selection is awe inspiring Calgary and Edmonton both have a good selection of stores, although I moved away 10 years ago I'm sure it hasn't changed much. Hockey is after all a Canadian game.

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