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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Searching for new gloves

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I currently own a pair of Mission Matrix gloves and they are quite a few years old.

I was just wondering if anyone could let me know which of the current line of Mission gloves most resembles the Mission Matrix gloves of the past?

Or better yet, could anybody recommend any glove to me that they may think resembles the Mission Matrix?

There are no local hockey shops near me, the nearest one was an understocked play it again sports that is no more. I really can't try anything on, just gotta order online.


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They don't feel like the matrix at all though. Mission Matrix were some of the most comfortable gloves, I can't think of anything else that feels similiar. Heliums might be a little closer as they're a roller/ice glove.

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They don't feel like the matrix at all though. Mission Matrix were some of the most comfortable gloves, I can't think of anything else that feels similiar. Heliums might be a little closer as they're a roller/ice glove.

They really are comfortable. I only paid I think 40 dollars for them at a very tiny local shop about 4 years ago and I honestly forget that I am even wearing gloves within a few minutes after putting them on.

They do slip a bit no matter which stick/shaft I use though so I always have to tape where my hands will be.

I really want to match these gloves!

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^ ...and time travel.

I can also vouch for the L7 being a great glove, and the you will also probably like the tacky palm if you are having grip issues. I can't help you with fit though as I have never tried the Matrix. But I did have warps if it helps any, and the L7 were not a big adjustment. I actually think the He series is more comfortable design, but a little too tight for my hands.

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