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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wisdom Teeth

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Had mine taken out a couple of years ago, no pain nor swealling at all, the day after I was eating Kentucky like nothing had hapened.

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all 4 of mine were impacted and I had them out over christmas break one year in college I think it was my freshman year but I don't remember. anyway I remember coming to right as they were stitching up the last hole. I felt like I could drive home from the office and I was good other than I couldn't open my mouth very wide for about a week afterwards. I had a slight infection in one spot but they cleaned it out and I was on antibiotics for a bit. I never took any of the pain pills and I didn't swell at all. It was a pretty good experience over all. My advice to you is don't watch anything funny or hang out with funny people for a while because if you can't open your mouth much you won't be able to laugh, my friends were killing me.

edit: Yeah the liquid diet sucks especially if you're out with your friends and they're eating burgers and stuff and there you are with a shake. I tried to eat fry a little too early and it hurt to chew so it wasn't that enjoyable.

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yeah the liquid diet was probley the worst for me i had some swelling but very little pain. the sitches botherd me they where falling out while i was playing in my game.

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A good surgeon can make a big difference in how painless the extraction is. You should consider going to the orthodontist to have them taken out, orthodontists often have more training in oral surgery. If my wisdom teeth hadnt grown straight, this is what I woulda done. If you are worried about post-operative infection, consult your doctor and ask about prophylactic antibiotics, maybe metronidazole.

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