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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Smith SB2000s vs Vorteks VK5

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well. i can't manage to put the link on the post without the customizer showing blank pads. lol SO.

i want the Sb2000s set.

if you want to check them out ill give you the order of the colors from top to bottom.

ALL COLORS ARE WEAVE. cept the ones that dont have the option.

PADS- green black black white white black black green black black black

GLOVE-green black black white white black green black black black green

BLOCKER- green black black green black white white green black black black

Vortek VK5 Oracles

HIGH- White

Wave- Forest green

Low- Black

Vorteks customizer SUCKS compared to Smith. should i go with the SMITHS or VORTEKS.

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well. i can't manage to put the link on the post without the customizer showing blank pads. lol SO.

i want the Sb2000s set.

if you want to check them out ill give you the order of the colors from top to bottom.

ALL COLORS ARE WEAVE. cept the ones that dont have the option.

PADS- green black black white white black black green black black black

GLOVE-green black black white white black green black black black green

BLOCKER- green black black green black white white green black black black

Vortek VK5 Oracles

HIGH- White

Wave- Forest green

Low- Black

Vorteks customizer SUCKS compared to Smith. should i go with the SMITHS or VORTEKS.

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I would really recommend reading some reviews of both. The two pads you're looking at offer very different things. Both will be well made, and both companies will make some changes to accomodate your wishes, but it's like comparing a Bauer skate to a Graf skate - they just aren't interchangeable.

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Either pad will serve you well. For the gloves, go vortek - far and away a better performing set.

Funny that you find the customizers that much different as they are built by the same guy.


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well every one knows what company i would go with, smith. stampedgoalie39, by the way in my pm i forgot to say that the 2000 graphics are avalible on the 5000 pads i think

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Heck, no reason you couldn't go with a split set - Vortek gloves and Smith pads. The Vortek gloves really are a treat; the Smith blocker is basically an improved Velocity, and the trapper is (reportedly) something like a cross between a T5500 and a Velo trapper.

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yeah. the Smith gloves look pretty damn goood.

i dunno.

now time to collect all the cash. lol

oh yeah. vision. the Smith customizer is easier to work with and its got WAY more options. the Vortek one its like you dont even do everything seperate.

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You can put the 2000 graphics on the 5000 pads, if that is what you want.


Easier to work with? I guess that that is a personal thing. I do know that they are separated (pads/blocker/trapper) which is how the VK5 customizer had been setup at one time.

More options? I guess that is a good thing, for some.


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