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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BSB ABEC 9 or Swiss Lite?

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Just going off of BSB's various price points the ABEC 9s should be slightly better. I really doubt you would notice a difference though, maintenance and lube choice would be much more important.

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there was just something in a thread i read and i had also heard it from my grandfather that was head of quality control for SKF(its a HUGE bearing manufacture company) Abec denotes the rpms that the bearing can with stand so abec does have much of an impact on you skating(no matter who you are you cant skate fast enough to push even past abec1. It is the quality fit that matters more. Aka how much slip between bearing and axle that counts the most for us. Higher end bearing are more precise in size. Their are some low end that have a good fit. even the lowend swiss and bsb are better fit than most other bearings. So in short I have never had a problem with either

I have bsb in my skates now and my skateboard has swiss. The skate board takes more of a pounding and get more crap in them than my inlines but swiss has always been true. I have used swiss in my skateboards since the 80s.

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yes, ABEC(inser number here) has absolutely no relevence in the game of roller hockey, not even in speed skating. pick a bearing you like, that is easy to service and lasts. hell remember the easton IZ frames? depending on your weight, they could run all nylon spacers/bushes, and still had you going as fast as the other guys*. we also don't roll on our skates long enough to truly worry about "high end" bearings.

In the end, bearings are really a placebo effect.

*they also weighed 4-5 times less than a standard bearing in the day...

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I got the Swiss lites/reds/whatever for the simple reason they are dead easy to clean. The shields come off easy, the nylon cages pop out, and I'm able to get all the gunk out easy-which is important playing outside in a giant sandbox. (Our rink is dusty enough that if we powerspray it clean on Monday, by Friday there are piles of sand along the boards).

But, I notice no difference between them and my back up set of ABEC 7's that are 10 years old (properly cared for), besides the fact that its easier to pop off that rubber shield instead of the c-clip and metal shield on the ABECs.

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ive got a friend who owns a local skateboard shop that told me he would order me a set of bones ceramics and sell them to me the price the store pays for them....but i still assume they will be like 100 dollars. just dont know if that is worth it.

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oo my yes they are! i use them and they are godly low matince little to no lube and they roll forever and ever and ever beautiful bearings

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ive got a friend who owns a local skateboard shop that told me he would order me a set of bones ceramics and sell them to me the price the store pays for them....but i still assume they will be like 100 dollars. just dont know if that is worth it.

Check ebay, Bones Swiss Ceramics are going for like $60. Or where like a week ago.

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