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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing Chassis out on Code 1s

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I am really used to the Hi-Lo and Tri-Di chassis becasue I have been using them my whole life and I recently just switched to Tour with the Hummer chassis. Anyone ever switched their chassis out on Tour skates to Hi-Lo??

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Ask Kovalchuk71... he had some Code1's with Sprung chassis. It works out fine with no problems, since if the Code1 can fit a Hum'er chassis, it will be able to fit any other chassis with a smaller setup, which is, at the moment, all of them.

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I've done it. I put a Red Star MG (red) chassis on. No problems at all.

However, you don't get the total effect you would get from a Mission skate though. Mission skates seem to have the front toe slanted upwards which creates a rocker effect to some degree. Tours don't have that.

You shouldn't have any problems. I would send you a pic, but after the Tour boot itself fell to crap I dismantled everything.

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