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Merchandise Revenue and Player Movement

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This issue came up whle my friends and I were discussing the big-named player moves, and buying team branded jerseys, shirts etc with player names on it. The reason I usually like getting IIHF jerseys of players I really enjoy is because you can be pretty sure a player's nation won't change.

How do you think merchendise revenue will be affected by the increased amount of player movement in the NHL (due to salary cap)? The reason I ask is because a lot of team branded apparel involves player names.

Will revenue increase because people will keep buying the new apparel for the new teams of moved players?

Will revenue decrease because fans won't want to buy into players apparel in fear that they'd be traded to a new team?

Or player movement is irrelevant and sales will continue with normal trends?

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There will be a big bump this year regardless because of the edge jerseys.

I think the player movement helps to keep sales constant/steady.

Player movement means that fans of a star's new team will buy his jersey, regardless of any fear of trade/loss to free agency. when it comes to players who have been with an organization for a few years, if a fan already has his jersey, chances are he won't buy another. Even if the fan owns a home, an away, and a third (no more thirds this year, but I'm willing to bet they'll be back) he won't be buying any more jerseys for that player. When that player is traded, the die hard fan will buy his jersey(s) from the new team, along with all the fans of the new team buying the jersey.

Without this movement, the only people buying jerseys would be the new fans, and we all know that those are few and far between.

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Drury and Briere jerseys in Buffalo today were $20 for iron on lettered youth, $30 for stitched youth sizes, and $50 for pretty nice stitched ones.

The only solution for a Sabres fan who wants a jersey is to buy a Perreault jersey. You could never go wrong with that one.

From today's Buffalo News, http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/111845.html

If you read this you'll see that not only do we have depleted roster, but we also have one of the crappiest newspapers in North America.

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