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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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smart ball?

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hey what do you guys think about the smartball hockey ball? does it really feel like an ice hockey puck or is it bs. and is it worth 12 bux?

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our entire team got them for free, so..

but they are real useflul for warming up befor the game.

I wouldn't say it feels like a puck, but it has the weight. i reccomend it.

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Great product. Holds up well on rough surfaces, rolls well, feels mostly like a puck, and does help with stick handling. Worth $12.

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i'd say its worth the $12. it'll hold up for a long time and it actually does help with stickhandling

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i picked up one for $9 at my lhs, definately worth it. It works well outside on concrete and asphalt, and it even works ok on carpet in my room.

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i have got one i like it alot but you cant really do shooting drills because if you angle up to the ball just a little it goes flying. but for stick handling its great.

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