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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Advanced/PIHA level INLINE players

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Just wondering how far some of you guys go to stay in hockey shape.

Is strength training as important for inline as it is for ice hockey? Inline to me seems to be best won by speed and finese more than strength/force.

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you sorta need both... if your too light then youll get pushed out of the way by soe of the bigger players when your contesting the puck. I find its just as important in traning for both.

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I personally just try to keep skating as much as possible. It is definitely worth it to be strong and balanced on your skates. Some of the guys in PIHA are pretty big boys and you definitely need to be confident on your skates to go into the corners with them.

I haven't been doing as much strength training as I should but I am planning on ramping it up some more, especially since the hockey schedule isn't as busy right now.

Speed/Finesse is important in inline but so is being strong, they two different parts of the game but equally important in my opinion. To be a solid all around top-tier player you need all of those aspects, along with experience and a good head on your shoulders.

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