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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any Billiards players on MSH?

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I've played pool most of my life and I was just wondering if there are any avid pool players here. If so what's your game of choice(and rules you go by) and what's your preferred cue?

I personally like 8-ball(BCA rules), but will dab in 9-ball but only with higher level players. I play just about ever variation of pocket billiards and have even played a version carom on a semi-regular basis.

My favorite cue is a Meucci sneaky pete but I've had a Meucci Power Piston(PP-2) and have a McDermott E-L1 as well. I also use a layered hercules, medium tip on the sneaky pete. Normally, you'll see me with my Meucci and my J&J break/jump. The J&J is matched with an Adams shaft and hard Morri layered tip.

I've placed in the only two large tournaments I've played in. 3rd in 8-ball and 2nd place in 9-ball. I've won a couple of local small tournaments but I really don't play that often anymore, in fact I play rarely.

Anyone else?

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I started playing snooker when I was about 17, can you actually believe I spent about $1500 in one month back then on playing in those snooker halls?

I only started playing pool a few years ago, never really had a preference for any cues, just used the house cues. I used to play in one of the pool halls in Singapore, chose that one cause the girl behind the counter was pretty good looking ;)

anyway, i dont play as often anymore... mainly cause i dont have any buddies now that play. I wouldnt mind playing again though...

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I was going to comment about snooker... I've never really had easy access to a snooker table, it's just not that common in the states. We did have a set of snooker balls in the pool hall on campus that we played ocassionally, but of course that's not the same(9' table, larger balls). I actually had a custom made snooker cue for a while too(smaller tip, easier use of english).

If you ever make it to the states, moreso the Tampa area, we'll have to get a game or two in. I'll let you use a real cue instead of one of the house sticks. ;)

btw I sent you a pm.

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