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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps xn10 armor vs. tps redlite xn10

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What the heck is the difference between these shafts? Their specs look pretty identical, and they seem to be just about equal in price, so what's the difference?

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Do you mean R2 Armour? If so, the R2 armour is tapered while the redlite is standard.

I think that's what I mean :blink: I am getting fairly confused by the 12,000 flavors of sticks and shafts every manufacturer has begun to crank out.

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i went through the same thing... it's not as lite as the redlite and also it's has a larger shape. i couldn't get used to the shape and extra weight myself so i ended up wasting money and getting another redlite.

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