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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate choice... help pls...

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i am currently looking for new skates...

based on my budget...

im looking at either the:

1) mission fuel 85 or 90

2) easton stealth s7

what are the pros and cons of each?

couldnt find reviews on the net...

was wondering too... but not that important...

what is the weight of these skates?

coming from a bauer supreme 5090...

what is lighter?


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Although I like Easton skates, in this case I would recommend the Missions. The S-7 is not as good a quality skate as the Mission 85 or 90. Mission gives you a good skate for the money. The Eastons might be slightly lighter but the difference is negliable. If you like a slimmer fit the Mission is also a good bet. Also the Pitch 3 holder is far superiour to the Easton Razor Bladz holder. The overall durability of Mission skates is also very good.

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anyone else?

especially those who have experience with the skates?


what do u mean that the s7 is not as good as a quality skate as the mission 85...

materials? worksmanship?

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anyone else?

especially those who have experience with the skates?


what do u mean that the s7 is not as good as a quality skate as the mission 85...

materials? worksmanship?

what he means by not as good quality, is that the mission skates would be made with more care, higher quality materials, durability, etc. if your either a 7D or 8D i would recommend getting the CCM Vector 8's from phillbricks, or maybe even the Vector 6's

EDIT: also the pitch holder is alot better

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