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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Arch Help

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I recently purchased a pair of Pro Stock Graf 707's. On every pair of skates I tried on I found that the arch on the left skate was too far forward. I have been on the ice for about 8 hours with these skates, and I don't notice the forward arch too much, but is there any way I can fix it to make these skates perfect? Can I shave down the insole? Or is there a different insole I can use? And like I said its just the left skate, I guess I just have weird feet.

Thanks in advance for any help.

By the way I absolutly love the 707's and the free movement in the top of the boot.

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Just change the insoles...try a pair of superfeet grey...if the arch aligns with your arch, you are good to go. If that doesn't cut it, go with some formable custom insoles.

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Alright. For formable custom insoles would that be something along the lines of orthonics? Or is there something else?

Orthotics are built by a specialist to counter a problem in your arch or your foot alignment.

Moldable insoles are available from a number of manufacturers for a variety of sports. They may or may not fit in your skates...participating Graf dealers have the Sidas (Graf branded) insoles and molding equipment. These are heated and they mold to shape of your foot, so the arch will be exactly where it is on your foot.

They look like this:


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Sidas are weighted, you want unweighed customs. or just put a defensive rocker on the blade. depends what skates your coming from to.

I am a Superfeet diciple but I have to amit these new "Graf" insoles are pretty amazing just a hell of a lot more than the graf ones....130 CDN for Graf ones and 34 for superfeet????

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Okay then a question:

My understanding of "weighted" or "unweighted" as terms used in regard to insoles, is in describing the molding process. i.e. do you put your weght on the insole as it molds or not.

It sounds from your post, and your prescription relating to profile, that you are indicating that those terms refer to whether or not they move your weight/balance point forward.

Clarification would great !

Also, it is my understanding that the "graf" insoles are in fact Sidas...am I correct ?

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get a pair of spenco arch support insoles.

you may need to get them 1 size to big, so you can trim the flat part.

place the arch support where you need it, and trim the rest of the support, using your old insole, as an outline.

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Unweighted is the best fit for hockey skates, and yes this is in regards to custom molds. Sidas are manufactured on a flat last, like their ski counterparts. the superfeet are built with a natural arc that you find in hockey skates. and yes i was relating to balence point. A lot of canadian dealers swear by profiling to fit your skating style.

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