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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What ever happened to Euro Sport?

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I'm not sure if they were a part of graf or more like a rip off of graf but I know I use to use these old gloves that everyone hated and loved them I've been searching all over for them but when I search for anything with "Euro sport" in the search I get stuff for the sports network or whatever it is thats across the pond. I also used their version of the 703's and I'd have to say minus the ugly blade holder on it and they were pretty heavy (I didn't mind that at all) I thought they were better than the Graf or "real" 703's

Anyway the gloves were about early to mid 90's they came in all different colors, they had all the NHL teams covered (I always wanted the old edmonton ones) They had a Lion on them (Pretty sure it was the Finnish Lion) The middle had an inset stiched Eurosport logo. I can't remember the model number obviously because I think I'd find atleast some reference of them if I had that. If anyone knows what I'm talking about with the gloves or if you have a pair let me know. I would love all red or the German National ones. Even if you have some other color let me know. Also let me know if you know what model number I'm talking about or if you have a picture of them.

Thanks to anyone that can help me out.

On 2nd thought its doubtful but they might have been grafs... but I'm not too sure...


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