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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dispatch: Zimbabwe

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Anyone going to the last show tonight, or been to any of the previous shows? My friend and I are heading up tonight for what looks to be the last Dispatch show in the foreseeable future.

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Went the 13th and 14th, it changed my life... how they explained everything about Zimbabwe and the countries stuggles.. They played two amazing shows. No concert will ever compare to these three

here is my recording of "out loud"

i have pictures up on facebook


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Wow. Just got back, they played for about 4 hours it was unbelievable, just an incredible experience. No concert I go to after this will ever be able to compare. I have the set list, though no breaks where the videos played, if anyone is interested.

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Yeah they opened at around 8:15 and then started General at 11:45, and then after standing that whole time I stood on the train for an hour and a half home but that was such a minor inconvenience. Any word on a prospective DVD?

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i work security at the garden, i saw all 3 shows... i had never heard them before and i enjoyed some of their songs, they did put on a great show

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