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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My Homebrew thread, updated with pic of final product

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So did you read any books before embarking on the beer making journey?

From my searches it looks like the 2 most popular beginner books are "How to Brew" and "the joy of homebrewing"

The Complete Joy of Homebrewing is a great book, by Charlie Papazian (I may have spelled his name wrong), but I got the Brewmasters Bible by Stephen Snyder starting out. Simply because I liked the organization of the recipe section compared to Joy. (there is a local homebrew supply shop here, so I was able to view them both before buying).

Both books (and how to brew) walk you through the brewing steps really well, so after that, it's about what you make, and for me starting out, I liked to be able to look for recipes by style, which I can in the Brewmasters Bible, whereas in the Joy of Homebrewing, they are scattered throughout the book, not as structured.

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