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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovaulation hockey

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Anyone heard of this company? They're at www.ovalutionhockey.com and i'm trying to decide if i should stock their stick. What do you guys think?

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when i first read that i thought it said ovulation, wondered what making children had to do with hockey, so no dont stock them, they look like something youd buy off an infomerical or something

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when i first read that i thought it said ovulation, wondered what making children had to do with hockey, so no dont stock them, they look like something youd buy off an infomerical or something

Haha, I thought the same thing.

But yea, these don't look so good, I'm thinking the flex would be all wonky with these things.

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Anyone heard of this company? They're at www.ovalutionhockey.com and i'm trying to decide if i should stock their stick. What do you guys think?

Regardless of product quality, I would think really hard about the benefits of doing business with a company that sells stuff direct at 40% off of retail prices. If you have a customer who likes it but can order it direct and get it cheaper, they aren't going to buy from you.

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Anyone heard of this company? They're at www.ovalutionhockey.com and i'm trying to decide if i should stock their stick. What do you guys think?

Regardless of product quality, I would think really hard about the benefits of doing business with a company that sells stuff direct at 40% off of retail prices. If you have a customer who likes it but can order it direct and get it cheaper, they aren't going to buy from you.

Totally agree with you on that one. Any idea how long these guys have been around? maybe i should get a demo or something.

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