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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adult seeking junior sized skates for roller

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I am a junior size 5.0 D

I am 5 ft 6 inch 165 pound adult so I am done growing.

I play on outdoor rough surfaces.

I play both Forward and Defense.

I am seeking a skate with pro level support.

I do not like Mission skates at all!

I have very flat feet and tend to like CCM fit.

I have questions about the sturdiness of Tour Code 1 skates-

Can they handle outdoor surfaces?

Do they fit narrow like Bauers? or more like CCM?

Would a junior CCM Vector 8.0 be a decent skate for an


Any other ideas would be great- Thanks

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It would be great to try on skates but I live in a place where there is no hockey shops that carry Tour skates. So any information you guys can give me would be great!


How do they fit?

What type of pitch are they?

Do they fit narrow or wide?

Balance point on the balls of your feet

or more back toward your heels?

Does the inside liner last or does it get torn

up when you feet sweat?

Is there any ventilation in these skates?

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im not too familiar with the tour skates, as ive always had missions, but if you search around the forums you can find info.

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My two cents, Tour are great skates for indoor use. I have had my tour code 1's for about a season and you can tell some wear are on them, they are not as stiff as they use to be at all. I recently switched skates. For your question on how they fit, they are made for wide feet like ccm. I would tell you to get the code reds or blue if you can find them still a good boot save you some money since you are using them on an outdoor surface anyways.

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I switched to Tour about 3 years ago from missions, and they are definitely built for the wider foot. I was wearing the same pair of Beemers for outdoor hockey for the past 2 years or so, and although they got soft over time, they've held up extremely well. I actually just picked up a pair of Code 1s tonight, and can't wait to use them.

They're pitched with a balance point on the heel, so if you're in a mission skate right now, you'll need to adjust to that a bit, but it only took me 2-3 skates. The Hum'er frame is very fast and gives a great deal of grip. The best part of it for me playing on rough outdoor surfaces is the use of all 80mm (or in your case all 76mm) wheels. The liner in the code-1s are a bit softer than the one in the beemers, but the beemer liners held up very well- only one tear in each skate. Very comfortable liner (quilted). No openings in the skate for ventilation. The tongue is very nice- it's got a mesh overlay on the inside which looks to be for wicking moisture, but may be abrasive if you happen to skate barefoot.

I think that covers all of your questions, if you have any others, you can shoot me a PM.

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