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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Converted One90s/Vapor XXXX,XXV players

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Noticed some people have converted One90s and Vapors (XXXX,XXX,XXV) to inline. I'm thinking about doing the same but I am concerned how these boots will hold up on an outdoor rink. I play mostly on a polished, painted cement rink and was just curious how the boots hold up when they rub against cement (ie the part of the boot next to your big toe or the heel on the same side).

Do any of you guys play on an outdoor rink? How are they holding up?

Thanks in advance...

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Noticed some people have converted One90s and Vapors (XXXX,XXX,XXV) to inline. I'm thinking about doing the same but I am concerned how these boots will hold up on an outdoor rink. I play mostly on a polished, painted cement rink and was just curious how the boots hold up when they rub against cement (ie the part of the boot next to your big toe or the heel on the same side).

Do any of you guys play on an outdoor rink? How are they holding up?

Thanks in advance...

I don't know specifically about this boot.....but I have been using a fix to keep you from wearing the toe cap out when sliding across the concrete. I just take a bit of 2 part epoxy and leave a slight film of it over the area that you typically scrape across the concrete. This way you are wearing down replaceable epoxy as opposed to the toe cap and surrounding materials of your boot. As you wear through the epoxy (for me....once a month) just reapply another thin coat over the top of the existing one. Just think of it as replaceable slide guards.

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Do any of you guys play on an outdoor rink? How are they holding up?

I had to use my converted XXX's outdoors one night because my other skates where at a different house, and it wasnt pretty. I took a nice spill and the whole side of the skate had floor "burn"

I would not suggest using converted skates outdoors. Indoors, however, is a totally different story.

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It is an adhesive but, when it dries it becomes very hard...and you can mold it into a wear pad shape quite easily. Needless to say it's alot better on your skates destroying the layer of epoxy instead of the side/sole of the boot.

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