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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Energy Ideas

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I go a few weekends a year playing in soccer tournaments, and come semi's and mostly finals on sundays I have nothing left. I drink as much water as possible, but I just lack energy and have very little physical energy. Keep in mind 90 minutes game, 30 plus degrees celcius. If some of the more knowledgeable members could give me an idea on what I should change in my diet or drink I'd appreciate that. Would supplements or something along those lines be to my benefit...if they were appropriate. Fatigue and what not plays a factor. I am in reasonable shape as well. Thanks.

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Lots of complex carbohydrates will be the key. Look up "carb loading" - its what marathon runners and cyclists often do. Obviously, a good diet besides that always helps.

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From a soccer point of view, don't kill yourself in the earlier games, conserve energy and don't try to do too much, especially with 2 or 3 goal leads. Kick it out of bounds instead of killing yourself to force a play.

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  precursor said:

Lots of complex carbohydrates will be the key. Look up "carb loading" - its what marathon runners and cyclists often do. Obviously, a good diet besides that always helps.

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PBJ on whole wheat, pasta, turkey/chicken/steak and brown rice....things like that.

If you need a quick "pick me up" between say two games in an afternoon... a little gatoraid and an orange is alright, or just a power bar or something.

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  willy0314 said:
  precursor said:

Lots of complex carbohydrates will be the key. Look up "carb loading" - its what marathon runners and cyclists often do. Obviously, a good diet besides that always helps.

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PBJ on whole wheat, pasta, turkey/chicken/steak and brown rice....things like that.

If you need a quick "pick me up" between say two games in an afternoon... a little gatoraid and an orange is alright, or just a power bar or something.

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Another thing I've found is tasty is peanut butter on a multi grain english muffin. You could put them in bags and leave them on the bench for when you get hungry.

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  QandA said:

I go a few weekends a year playing in soccer tournaments, and come semi's and mostly finals on sundays I have nothing left. I drink as much water as possible, but I just lack energy and have very little physical energy. Keep in mind 90 minutes game, 30 plus degrees celcius. If some of the more knowledgeable members could give me an idea on what I should change in my diet or drink I'd appreciate that. Would supplements or something along those lines be to my benefit...if they were appropriate. Fatigue and what not plays a factor. I am in reasonable shape as well. Thanks.

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you say you drink loads of water, and that's good. But just drinking water wont rehydrate, fill your glycogen levels and make you ready for next game..

Your body needs electrolytes, salts, minerals, carbs to keep the fluid balance. Your body cant absorb the water if you dont add salts. You will just piss it out.. And thats why you often see NHL:ers sipping some gatorade/powerade during the commercial breaks. Then just drink water between the shifts..

Then after a game. You should:

1. Drink loads of fluids with added electrolytes to even the fluid balance.

2. Fill your body with new glycogen. 1g carbs/2lb bodyweight. If you dont do it, you will lack energy, explosivness, power, endurance the next time you work out/practice/play a game.

You dont need any supplements to recup.. some sweets/candy a bottle of gatorade and loads of water will do the trick just fine.

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