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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Few Equipment question

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I just got a pair of S11's at the Perani's warehouse clearance sale. I got them for $350, not bad considering that all the online retailers want $389 for them. Anyways my old skates (synergy 500’s) I had t-blades put on them. Well my 500’s are size 10.5 and my S11’s are 11. My t-blade holders are size 288 and I couldn’t find any information on what size t-blades for the size of the skate. I’m wonder if 288 would work on my S11’s or would I have to upgrade to 300mm t-blades for them. I think if I have to upgrade to 300 I just might just get the RBII's rocker the same and go from there. Maybe I should do that anyways after reading the thread about the other guys S11’s falling apart after a few skates, especially if changing holders is going to void the warranty. But I like the t-blades, I’m use to them and the runners last a long time for me so I’d like to keep them.

My other question is I also got a mission L-2 stick with 2 blades with the ribeiro curve. I really like it, but mission doesn’t make standard size blades and I’d like to get the same curve to put in my Easton Ultra lite. I have a hard time going by the curve charts. I think they are a little miss leading because I’ve seen some blades that have the same stats but when I see a picture they don’t look alike at all. Does anyone make a ribeiro clone that will fit a standard shaft?

Thanks in advance.

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ribeiro is kind of out there on its own in terms of the pattern. I dont think anyone else makes a clone. you could go with wood customs.

As far as putting the t'blades on goes, if you've got a reputable sharpener in your area, they're not a necessity. I suggest skating on the RBII a few times and see how it goes.

You could check the RBII holder for a size to see whether you'd need to switch over to the 300. you want to match up that size with the T'blade size (most standard sizes go from 288-296, I'm not sure if Easton does the same. If it happens to be a 296, the 300 t'blades should work.)

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Well I didn't mean an exact clone, but something very similar.

T-blades are what I have been using for a long time now, it’s what I like and I’m use to. It’s just like JR putting pitch 3’s on his S15’s because that’s what he likes. I found where Easton put the size on the holder and yes they are 296. But t-blades go from 288 to 300. Basically what I was asking since I couldn’t find any information on the t-blade website is what you guys would think about what size t-blades would need to be used for my skates. My choices are a 6mm shorter holder, than what’s on there or a 4mm larger holder.

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