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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blue Miller Goalie Helmet

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There was a post a while back, someone got a custom paint job that looked like Ryan Miller's Buffalo head, but in Blue. I can Not find the picture in search. Can someone give me some sort of hand? Thanks. Also, can someone post a Closeup of Miller's MSU helmet with Sparty and the arms coming down the side. Another thank you.

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YEAH.. THAT'S IT.. Thanks minder...I Knew I saw it somewhere. Now does anyone else have a closeup of Millers MSU bucket? One of our HS goalie's is looking to incorporate that design.

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LOL, I JUST found that in yahoo search...that's decent, but anything closer would be of course, better. thnx again

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