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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Warranty

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Let's clarify one thing right now, i'm not looking for reciepts.

I manage a rink in MI right now that is having a issue with customers altering the reciept and creating their own reciepts. I know fake reciepts and bogus reciepts aren't anything new, but i'm wondering if anyone else out there working at a shop has any other ideas to circumvent this.

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I'm working with another person who's still got some equipment he's selling right now. i don't know how well you know the history of the skate zone (us blades, rochester skating center, etc) But i'm with one of the previous owners now.

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Well, are your receipts computer-generated or by hand?

Maybe get a stamp with your logo made and stamp them. Give a heads-up to the manufacturers that not to accept any receipts that may be photocopied/scanned.

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Is it the receipt for your business? Or your taking returns for the customer to return to the company, no matter where they purchased?

Is it printed on thermal paper out of a register or plain old handwritten receipt with a carbon copy?

One way to prevent it is to, sign the receipt yourself and alternate where and the color you sign, say January is up top with a blue pen, Feb below with red at the bottom.... and put the date. You could also get a store stamp.

Just create a system that you know about thats not obvious that way when they come to you with a dummy receipt you know.

If its from other area stores, you could go to those stores and take a look at their receipts, ask them to put a date on it....

Just some ideas.

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I'm working with another person who's still got some equipment he's selling right now. i don't know how well you know the history of the skate zone (us blades, rochester skating center, etc) But i'm with one of the previous owners now.

i played there probally ten years ago when it was called the rochester skate center, and i believe the owner was churchill, after that i kind of abandoned inline till that a few years ago.

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ive had people try that with high end baseball bats at my shop but not sticks. ccm/rbk has a warranty card that you should have received from your orders. give that card to each customer that buys their product and then everything is on them and if maska calls then you can tell them you did what you were told to do.

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Maybe the shop could post a sign by the register that said "Customers using counterfeit or altered receipts will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law"

I'm sure it has to be illegal to do this.

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