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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken collarbone

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Hey, I broke my Collarbone at an inline tournament last weekend, got hit in the back of the shoulder and it just broke right in the middle!

I was just wonderin, for those of you who have broken collarbones, how long did it take to heal? and how long till you were back playing again?

Ive been told different times from different doctors so im not too sure.



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I broke mine back in March after a square hit. It depends on the severity of the break. If it simply snapped and separated like mine, you could be playing within 6-8 weeks, although I would wait as long as possible to be honest. My doctor doesn't want me playing for a full 6 months after, but I'm probably waiting closer to 5. If you're lifting weights, give it at least the full 8 weeks.

However, if it was a break where the bone displaced (i.e. the bone fragments moved out of the same plane), you'll probably need surgery and the recovery will take much longer. Regardless, take it really slow. This was probably the most painful injury I've ever had. If you're doing something and it hurts, don't do it.

I was in a sling for the first 3 weeks, and after that my doctor told me to start moving it around, even though he said I'd be in a sling for 6 weeks. It all really depends on the severity of the fracture.

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just dont rush it, listen to your doctor on the time he advises for it to heal completely

going back to early could result in further injury

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I broke mine back in March after a square hit. It depends on the severity of the break. If it simply snapped and separated like mine, you could be playing within 6-8 weeks, although I would wait as long as possible to be honest. My doctor doesn't want me playing for a full 6 months after, but I'm probably waiting closer to 5. If you're lifting weights, give it at least the full 8 weeks.

However, if it was a break where the bone displaced (i.e. the bone fragments moved out of the same plane), you'll probably need surgery and the recovery will take much longer. Regardless, take it really slow. This was probably the most painful injury I've ever had. If you're doing something and it hurts, don't do it.

I was in a sling for the first 3 weeks, and after that my doctor told me to start moving it around, even though he said I'd be in a sling for 6 weeks. It all really depends on the severity of the fracture.

maka is your sig from those funny videos on youtube?unforgivable

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yeah mine was just a snap and seperation. i dont have to play until my nationals in november so i should be fine by then.

How long did yours hurt for? Im usually ok when its in a sling, but hurts when i move my arm obviously. any jolt causes pain.

My doc told me to keep it out of the sling as much as i can at home do the joints in my are dont seize up.

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I was on Vicodin for a week, but after that it hurt for probably 1-2 more weeks when I woke up. By about week 4, it didn't hurt, but it still felt weak.

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just dont rush it, listen to your doctor on the time he advises for it to heal completely

going back to early could result in further injury

I completely agree. I broke mine once and I came back about 2 weeks too early and rebroke it in the exact same spot in the second game. I was out for about 8 weeks i think

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I broke mine three years ago. It was a very bad break with lots of bone fragments. Took me about 3 months to do anything strenuous, but by that time I was coaching so I didn't have to play. I would say it was at least a year before I stopped getting twinges of pain occasionally.

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