JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted August 5, 2007 Open Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
forsberg91 0 Report post Posted August 5, 2007 Product: Warrior Kronik Nipple Grip 85 flex FedorovPrevious Sticks: Warrior Mac Daddy 85 flex clear grip RobitailleUser/Use: 5'8" 140 pounds. Used about 5 times a weekBlade: Well the main technology of this stick is in the blade. It features the Spyne blade technology. I didnt really expect it to work, but I decided to give it a go. It definitely gives the blade a different feel. Its supposed to keep it stiffer but it really didn't do that at all. It seemed to make the blade feel "snappy." Thats really the best way to explain it. The backhand is kind of annoying. Its hard to get good backhand shots and passes off without it fluttering.After about a month of use, the blade developed a crack that started on the bottom of the heel and grew up and runs inside the bottom engravment of the spyne. Its now lost pretty much all of its stiffness and now is pretty useless.4/10Shaft and Flex: I was coming from a Mac Daddy, so it was essentially the same stick but with the Spyne so the shaft felt the same. The nipple grip is kind of weird though. The textured grip only goes about half way down the shaft and in a weird pattern. I like my grip a lot lower down than this, but I got used to it after a little bit.9/10Feel: The feel was pretty good on this stick while it lasted. The backhand side of the blade was pretty annoying at first because of the engravment, but I got used to it. I love the feel of Warrior/Inno so no real complaints here.9/10Weight: The stick seemed heavier than my Mac Daddy for some reason but I always adjust to the weight and dont notice it after a couple of ice sessions. Pretty well balanced. No real complaints here.9/10Durability: Well I always seem to break blades, and that was the case with this stick too. As i mentioned earlier a crack developed on the bottom of the heal and grew to inside the Spine. Its not completely broken through yet but its lost all stiffness. It broke after about 40 days of use. VERY dissapointing for $240 stick. I got my Mac Daddy in December and its still going strong, but this has already broken.3/10Intangibles: I love Warrior sticks, my favorite stick company by far. My parents said that I could get this stick if I paid for half so I said why not and went for it. BIG mistake. Conclusion: Big dissapointment. Waste of $240. If you want a Warrior go for a Mac Daddy, much better buy and quality for the price.While it lasted it was a pretty good stick, but it broke way too easy.Overall 7/10 becuase of the breakage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doodman 0 Report post Posted April 20, 2009 Product: Kroniik 100 flex (nipple grip) AND 85 flex (clear)Other sticks: just about all easton, nike-bauer, mission top tier sticksuser: 5'10 160lb defense 15 years experience/adult rec league (at this point I'm pretty much out there for the exercise lol!)blade:I've nothing bad to say about the spyne technology. I don't notice it on the backhand at all. Taping is no big deal, wax goes on fine. wristers and snap shots are rockets, slap shots no better/no worse. 10/10Shaft and flex: SEE DURABILITY SECTION! The shaft felt thinner than other shafts. If you have smaller hands this could be good. The nipple grip is not as tacky as bauers, and the clear is more slippery IMO. The stick is among the lightest I've used. For the record I love the warrior graphic design which doesn't make the stick 'good' I know.for durability issues 0/10 Feel: Stick handling was good but not smooth like I've felt on other blades. I've pretty soft hands and it just felt a little 'off'. The blade felt very light. 8/10Weight:Very light stick. The blade also felt light. The stick felt well balanced, not blade heavy at all.10/10Durability:DEAL KILLER!As you may have noticed I have used two of these. The first (100 flex nipple grip) lasted 2 games. It broke in half when struck by a slap shot. Being under warranty I mailed it to Warrior and waited three weeks for a replacement, which didn't come. When I called them they said my stick was out of stock. So I settled for the second Kronik stick (85 flex clear) It broke in the FIRST GAME when struck by a slap shot. This is adult rec league mind you, not some elite level competition with super high speed heavy shots. These sticks just don't handle any impact at all. If you play defense and block alot of shots I cannot recommend any warrior stick. (I had a dolomite which broke after about 6 games while I was taking a slapper also)Conclusion:Can't recommend this stick at all. Right now I just don't feel comfortable recommending any warrior stick. I'm bummed because I really want these sticks to be good.Warrior customer service was good once I made the phone call. They went out of their way to make sure I was happy with the replacement. However they told me on the phone they would NOT warranty the replacement stick. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites