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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 800C lacebite issues

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My synergys give me severe lacebite, both where the instep meets the ankle and also right in the middle of the tendon that forms the top of the foot.

So far I've tried the following:

Thinner insole

No insole

Lacebite pads

Skipping an eyelet

Socks/ no socks

taking a few weeks off

None of this has worked, is there anything else I can try?

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It's been mentioned here before but using a mousepad to cushion the area should help. I also cut a square hole out of it to alleviate the pressure on the area.

Here's a couple topics...




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I had a similar problem when I tried Mission S500's. Turned out the heel area of the boot was too deep & wide for my foot and I was having to over tighten the laces to compensate for the slop. My bad.

I got some Armacell pipe insulation from Home Depot and placed it under my sock on the sore spot. Worked great. It's very spongy but still provides padding even when compressed under the tongue. It's the only thing I tried that actually worked.

Looks like this armacell.jpg

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What exactly is lacebite?, ive never had a problem with my skate due to laces, being to tight or loose or whatever, so what is lace bite?

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