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mission he7500 inline skates?

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whats up i need some help i am getting another pair of skates for my outdoor league. i already have a pair of wicked 5's for good indoor rinks and i want to buy a pair of mission he 7500's so i was just wondering if i could get some opinions. hows the durability, boot, etc im looking for a stiff boot.

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I didnt think it was a very durable skate at all. I cant skate on any Mission HE's because I guess I'm too rough on them. I take really good care of them ya know, but my skating style is a little different Ive been told so they didnt last as long. I went through two different pairs of HE's in about a year and a half. Snapped chassis's, boot tears apart. Alot of people have problems with the eyelets breaking on some of the older model HE's too.

I like the mission skates for the first couple months, but they never last for me.

Im not to big either. 6'1 ... 190 lbs.

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DO NOT BUY THE 7500s!!!!!

85kg, 6'3", 3 hours outdoor roller per week on smooth asphalt, 84a kryptonics powerplay. Have skated on missions since 1999.

The worst skate I have ever had. Now where do I start:

Fit: Tried to break them in the old fashioned way. Three months down the line still the most insanely uncomfortable skates ever. Holes several mm deep in each foot, at various points. Insanely stiff. NEVER had a problem with mission before.

Chassis: The biggest pile of WANK ever. Even worse than the old missions (late nineties - early 00's) which suffered from fatigue cracking at the back. These fractured at the back and the front after about 4 months. Will Mission engineers ever learn about metal fatigue?

Weight: OK didn't really notice much of a difference over any other skate.

Protection: Protection against stick/puck/ball strikes ok.

Durability: Might as well have been made of balsa wood. Poor chassis positioning/length meant that my inside toe kept dragging on the ground. Within a month or so I could see my toes through a gash big enough to sink titanic. Kept skating until after about 4 months when the chassis cracked. Missions have suffered chassis/heel support problems in the past, but this is ridiculous. I can't believe such an experienced company can produce such utter garbage. And whatever happened to product testing?

ONE saving grace: Mission customer service. Wrote a stinking letter to the CEO of Mission Itech. Received a pair of Wicked 5's on their release in late 06.

Still have the 7500 boots & chassis if anyone wants the evidence?! Could be useful if any skate manufacturer wants to know how NOT to make an inline skate.

The 5's seem better. the chassis has clearly been strengthened at the front and back (i.e. mission realised their mistake! Again!). have skated on them a few times, and whilst the boot is probably as stiff as the 7500, the skates are more comfortable. only minor blisters as would be expected without a bake fit. toe wear seems ok. another friend of mine skates on them and aside from severe pain i haven't heard any complaints. if you want to avoid pain i think a bake fit is a must.

anyone want to post this review? sorry if it sounds a little harsh, but there really is no other way to describe these skates!

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I had D2C's which were replaced under warranty because of outsole separation. I was given HE750s which were also returned due to broken DNA loops. Finally, 7500s arrived and I should have sent them back because of a broken tendon guard, but didnt. I just threw them into a closet, and went on with life. Im done with Mission roller skates due to this, and thats sad. They had some great products up until recently.

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it's craaaaazy. they used to be so good. i know guys who still have models that didn't suffer from fatigue, (from the wicked lite line - '99?).

if only they tested their products properly, they wouldn't have these problems.

i'm playing mostly ice now, so i prob won't find out about the wicked 5's for a while. like yours they're now sitting in a cupboard.

if i wanted inlines now i'd prob just convert a pair of bauer ice skates, and epoxy them up nicely for protection.

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i use Wicked 5s for outdoors. unless your falling ALL the time, they'll hold up just fine.

yeah they seem pretty tough, both inside and out. i believe the 5's (as the 7500's) are supposed to be the most durable of the current line up.

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I'm 6'2" 240lbs, and so far my 7500s have held up pretty well. The wheels that came on there weren't designed for a big person. Broke the hubs on about 5 of the wheels in the first week or two, but other than that i've had no complaints. I'm in the start of my second season with them. I will say after seeing the 08 line up it almost makes me wish something would go wrong with them so i can justify getting some new skates.

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I've (6', 150#ish) been using 7500's indoors 1-2 times per week since May '06. They are holding up well and they are still stiff and comfortable. They show normal wear to the outside of the boot. On the inside there is a small patch on each skate near the top eyelet that is worn due to my shin guard rubbing.

Overall I'm very happy with them. They're plenty stiff for me and super comfortable.

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