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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission intake Replacement gel pad

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Hoping someone could help me out. I have tryed to email mission hockey for two days now and i keep getting an error page. I want to contact them and ask them if they could jsut send me a replacement gel pad for the forehead part of my helmet. the gel has gotten hard and is now uncomfortable to wear and i do not have the money to buy a new helmet. If anyone knows how i could get a hold of them or know where to get a gel pad even that would be great.

thanks oggy_3

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Keep trying Mission costumer service. I had a few of the screws strip out the first time I adjusted it and I asked them for help. They sent me a whole new hardware set for the Intake, and even followed up to see if what they sent worked. They seem to have a good CS department.

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Take it back to the shop where you bought it.

The problem with that is i bought it when i was down in oregon, U.S and i live in new brunswick,canada. and BobMcRobertson did you email or call them?

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After trying the website another couple times and nothing happening i went on google and typed in mission itech customer service and it gave me a link with a phone number to call, talked to the lady and they are sending me a replacement pad, so quite happy don;t have to fill out any forms or anything.

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