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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fitting question

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I've had vapor XX's for a year now and really like how they perform, so I'm looking to get another pair. My problem is for the first six months that I had them, I would get a pain in the middle of my foot. I believe it was because the skate was too narrow in the middle, because it would disappear if I loosened the skate. The problem has since gone away but the skates are really worn in. These were a pair of 7.5 d's. For My next pair I think I need something wider, but I don't want it too much wider in the heel, so I'm thinking a pair of E's. But, I'm not sure if this will be the right width, and I also think I could go smaller with a bit wider skate, because the toe box is a bit narrow right now. Problem is, nobody stocks e widths, and I don't want to special order them and have them not fit. Is there any way I could figure it out, like with a foot tracing or something? Anyone have any suggestion? Thanks.

By the way, I wear a size 9/9.5 shoe and like a tight fit if that helps

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It's most likely the arch support is not right for your foot. Try and get different footbeds, such as Superfeet Grey (from ePuck) or The Sole (from www.yoursole.com ). Either of those should help.

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i made a thread on the same thing, check out my shockdoctor footsoles topic, i have the same problem, check out some graf footbeds or some of them shockdoctors that i talked about.

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Since the the skate is too narrow in the toe you might want to try 8090s instead. They may fit your foot shape better.

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is the pain under or on the side of your foot, if its the side, the side can be pushed out if its right under the foot it could be your medatarsul bone, for that have a dr.scholes pad a small one for that area of the fot put under that area of the insole

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