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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I wear 7.5 supreme 70's would it be crazy to buy Size 8 8090's

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I own and find they fit me pefect a pair of 7.5 supreme 70's would it be crazy to buy Mint Barly used Size 8 8090's untride?

Would you do it?

I need new skates the 70's a falling apart


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Yeah, I don't know if I'd use the word "crazy"...I mean, sure you could use 'em, but chances are they'd be floppin around a bit and you'd have trouble maneuvering as well as you would with your 70's. The stock 8090 D-width supposedly fits closer to a EE from what I understand.

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Well if the supreme 70 fit perfect then i wouldnt bother but if you do buy them and they dont fit you could always just sell them to me :D

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