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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Season Highlight Videos

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So now that its midway through summer, I'm officially missing watching hockey. I've been watching Leafs playoff games for the past week. Does anyone have any links to videos that show highlights from the season?

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I wish NHL.com archived the highlights from the season. I used to go on there and check out highlights from all the games the night before. But they'd always get rid of them a day later :angry:

I have a thing that allows me to plug a VCR/DVD player to my computer and turn it into mpeg format...

-anybody know any good video editing software?

-and also, how would I upload big movie files onto the internet for fellow modsquad people's to see? Thanks

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this guy Posted on Jul 20 2004, 08:32 PM

  go to coloradoavalanche.com and they have highlights game by game and even monthly highlights. 

This of course would mean that you have to want to see lowlights of the avalanche's season. Having to watch that group of talentless divers on sportsnet news every night was punishment enough. Burnaby Joe, Footy, Tanguay and Blake ...only redeeming graces on that team. Yep...a summer without the avalanche is the only thing that makes hockeyless summer bearable.

Go Divealanche Go...Maybe I'd hate them less if they lost the Swiss Miss of a goalie.

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Guest 2048
Wish I could help you Kosy...

I taped all the big Ranger clips from 80% of the games. And the all star skills comp and game. I miss it too. I brought Ultimate Gretzky and that helped a little.

Also, if we did have clips, How would we post them on the server?

There were Rangers hi-lites? :blink:

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I think the highlight for me was Mack's description of Poti after Alfie faked him out of his jock.

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I think the highlight for me was Mack's description of Poti after Alfie faked him out of his jock.

lol and what exactly was that

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