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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which youth skates to buy?

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My son is 8 years old, plays high end hockey - 3 to 4 times a week. I am looking for new skates, he has Easton 1500 in youth 13. I am in a market with not alot of choices to try skates on - so we will be buying online.

This is what I have narrowed my choices to - Nike/Bauer Flexlite 16 or 18 / Easton S15 / Mission Fuel 75.

Any suggesstions or what is the best of this group.


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If he has a normal foot, then any of those skates would be a good choice. But if his foot is more on the narrow side, I would suggest the Mission Fuels. They fit quite nicely to your ankle and they are a decent price. :ph34r:

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My vote is for the S15's. For the youth, the price is fantastic, stainless blade, and a good stiff boot. If he likes the fit of the 1500's, the S-15 will work well. My criteria if fit, then stainless. High end hockey (4 times a week) means sharpening often. Stainless will save you lots of money over the course of a season.

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For kids, it doesen't need to be the best skate on the market. If normal, your kid will outgrow them each year. At that age, it's just learning the basics, learning how to skate. When hitting starts and when he starts getting better, get better skates...but don't blow 200 to 300 bucks on a pair. Kids outgrow their skates.

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If he has narrow feet have him try on the youth vapour xxxx...my 7 year old is on them and is very happy with them. It is a great boot.

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Youth skates can't be judged by the adult model (although don't go K-Mart). Find something that feels good for him right out of the box. Get him to kick his foot forward with the skate open and put a pencil or pinky behind the heel. Anymore gap that that and it's too much.

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I suggest the RBK9K. My son is also 8 and skates about the same frequency as yours. The skate has a stainless blade and is good quality.

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My son has been skating in CCM Vector 10's for almost 8 months now and he had good intial results from them untill recently, when he began rolling out on his right ankle. We came to the conclusion that since his ankle and lower leg are very small an skinny, he seems to be flopping around in the boot. We were at our LHS today trying on everything to see what worked for him. Nike/Bauer XXXX seemed to be the same as far as boot volume as well as RBK 9K's. We settled on a pair of S15's which were a very close fit around his ankle. Would have liked to try some one90's if they made them in youth sizes.

If anyone is in the market for a used pair of size 10D youth CCM Vector 10.0's......PM me.

Mods.....please delete the sales pitch if it is inapropriate for this board.

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