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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Searching for a LHS

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Can anyone in these areas recommend a good LHS with a large selection of skates (preferably Graf, but really anything)? I also need a shop that has knowledgeable staff that can fit the skates properly. I live in an area with no shops and need to get a pair of skates ASAP.

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I've communicated via email with Chuck Thuss in the past, and I sent him an email the other day and have yet to get a response. I'll probably call him soon if I don't hear back.

LHS' in Missouri

Johnny Mac's

Total Hockey

Can you give me any details on the customer service/selection?

In Knoxville.....the Icearium. Just outside of Knoxville and off of I-40

Customer service/selection?

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LHS' in Missouri

Johnny Mac's

Total Hockey

Can you give me any details on the customer service/selection?

Johnny Mac's has great customer service, they have several workers there and most of them know their stuff about hockey, in part because they play on the local highschool teams, the other few specialize in the other sports offered there. They greet you at the door and ask if there is anything they can help you with/help you find and will spend whatever time you need with you to ensure that you get exactly the right fit on whatever you're buying/looking at.

Total Hockey is kinda bad with C.S., they just seem like they're not really into whatever they're doing and they'd rather watch the T.V. they have in the store.

J.M.'s has a very wide selection of gear (i.e. shoulder pads, helmets, elbow pads, pants, gloves, etc), lots of shafts/ blades, but their selection of OPS is ok but not as deep as the rest of the stuff. They have many Graf skates and a large range of sizes. Not as much goalie gear unfortunately. Their prices are just as low as any online shop you'll find and they offer free baking and sharpening on any skates you buy.

Total Hockey has a really big shop and you would expect a lot more for the size of the shop. They have about 50-60% of the shop filled with OPS'. They just hodgepodge the shoulder pads and other gear like that into a big wire cubbyhole sort of thing but organize it into the type of gear though. They have more goalie gear than J.M.'s but WAYYYY fewer skates. They only carry mid-high to high end skates and they're retarded with their organization. They don't even carry Graf's in their store as you were originally looking for in your first post. And they charge $4 for a roll of tape just to give you an idea of their prices. Their website is nothing CLOSE to their in store selection.

I would definitely pick Johnny Mac's over Total Hockey but that's just based on my experiences.

PM me if you're looking for addresses of either and I'll help you out.

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