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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shinpads: Rbk 5K vs CCM 8.0

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Hi guys, I need to replace my 5 yr old 8040s. Planning on either one of these pads. I know they are both good quality pads but does anyone have anything bad to say about either pads? Would make my decision easier. Thanks.

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There isn't any bad sides with either. Some may think that they are bulky, but thats just because they lack leg power :P You just have to try them both on to se which ones you like better.. The new vector pads is based on the same technology as the Jofa/RBK shins.. If you look closely, yoy can se quite a few similaritys, the shape of the shin cap as an example.

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