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Microsoft Excel Help

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I have a list for a hockey pool I am just entering, but it's in alphabetical order, not order of rank. Since it's a SIM league, it isn't as easy as looking up NHL.com. I've copied the list into Excel, but don't know how to arrange it in the way I want. It's in the row "q". Can anyone walk me through this?

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I assume you mean column Q since the columns are letters and rows are numbers.

Highlight all of your data first (or click the box in the upper right corner above the 1 and left of the A, this will highlight the whole sheet), then in your menu go to Data, Sort. From here you can pick which column you want to sort by such as column Q.

Notice on the bottom of this box it asks you if the first row of your data is titles (Headers) or not. If it is say yes and then when you use the drop downs to sort your columns it will have your column titles instead of just Column A, Column B etc.

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I have another Excel question. I am trying to make a graph with a few questions in it. The questions are answered on a scale from 1-4, but there are alot of surveys, so I want it in a percentage. So I was wondering if I could put these all on the same graph?


Question #1

1 - 10%

2 - 20%

3- 30%

4 - 40%

Question #2

1 - 20%

2- 10%


and have them all on the same graph? Does anyone know how to do this? Ideally I'd have the question below, then the 4 bars with percentages. Then a space, then a different question 4 more bars, etc..

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Eazy, I'd need to know more details about the graph you're trying to create in order to help. You should be able to display all the necessary info in one graph, but it depends on what that info is. Were the questions multiple choice or t/f or what? What do those percentages represent? In other words, in your example, for question 1 and choice one, does 10% mean that 10% of respondents selected option 1 for question 1 or am I interpreting this totally wrong?

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Set it up in Excel like this

Question1 Answer 1 22%

Answer 2 32%

Answer 3 14%

Answer 4 32%

(I can't get the formatting right in this post but Question1 would be in cell A1 for example, all of the answers are in column B and then the % are in column C)

Question2 Answer 1 22%

Answer 2 32%

Answer 3 14%

Answer 4 32%

Each value is in a diff cell. Highlight all of your data and then do Insert Chart and pick Column type of Stacked Column. (should be the top middle). Click Next and you should see a sample of all of your Answers grouped together by question.

Let me know if you have any trouble.

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Got a quick question. Is there anyway to limit character length for text within a cell? I'm editing a CSV file and I need to limit certain cells to 30 or 35 characters. If the text is already entered, is there an easy way to check the character amount? Thanks.

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