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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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changed d curve from a lidstrom to a modano...

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swapped the blade im using from a lidstrom

to a modano / forsberg...

stickhandling was easier for me...

prob now... is i cant shoot...

the puck doesnt fly at all... there is power to the

shot... but it doesnt lift from the ice...

any tips?

i know... coming from an open faced blade to a closed face

blade... is a really really big difference...

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It isn't the blade (well...it kind of is) it is in your mechanics of the shot. Basically....by using an open face for so long, you probably got lazy with snapping your wrists at the end of your shots. Concentrate on once you make contact with the puck on your snap shots and begin to push the puck past your hip to cup and then snap your wrists high to lift the puck. In time, you will certainly get your shot back up....just don't get discouraged all of a sudden because you suddenly can't lift the puck.

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With the smaller curve you have to move through the puck much more. Use an exaggerated follow through at first and it will come to you.

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