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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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5'9 165lbs, should i be using a senior or intermediate stick?

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I'm 5'9" and I've been using a 77 flex vapor 30 lite. I like the feel of a whippier intermediate stick, but the smaller shaft diameter rotates in my hands too much. :(

Does any other manufacturer offer the same diameter for their senior and intermediate sticks besides ccm/rbk?

NBH's 77 flex is a senior stick, unless you're still using one of the very early ones. those int. may have been 77s, but they're all 67 now.

Warrior also offers a 75 flex senior, and supposedly easton was going to do it as well. Not sure if that's happened yet though. And there's always the original- the TPS whip.

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Easton is offering their Synergy II non-grip shaft in a 70 flex for SR's and according to the Easton catalogue, that's as whippy as SR's get this year.

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I've used a senior stick since I was 14 because they intermediate sticks would snap toward my top hand due to the flex. But i'm a weirdo I like my stick as stiff as I can possibly get it. I'm now abot 5'9'' 180 pounds and I could never use anything below 100 flex.

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