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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered Blades...

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Alright, I realize everyone is goin with the whole OPS deal, but I was hoping someone could give me a review about a good tapered blade for a busted OPS.

I was disputing between the Warrior Dolomite and the Vector 10.0/8.0 blades (not a big Easton fan, had too many break too fast in the past.) I'm a 200lb guy and really like to torque my stick for shots, so I need a stiff blade that's not gonna start cracking on the bottom prematurely or go limp after a few games either.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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ive never used the dolo blade, but the ops, and im 99% sure that they are identical. i was a big fan of the dolomite and its still going strong when i do use it on the odd occasion. it has given me great durability, but like everything else it is all personal prefrence and im sure someone will say the exact opposite. if you have acess to a lhs go feel them, try to bend them, and just go with your gut.

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You might want to look into the higher end RBK or CCM blades. Stiff as a board and they are very durable. I've had no problems with wearing them out, breakage, or them going soft.

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Dolomite all the way. I have been using Inno/Warrior blades for about 5 years now and I don't think I will use anything else. The warriors last forever and even when they start to break down they seem to stay stiff.

I recently had to buy an Easton Synergy II blade because of the low stock on the dolomites. It is working OK but I have only used it for about a month and I have already noticed some wear.

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The RBK tapered blades are holding up great for me....both on ice and sport court (bare in mind that I am not big on taking slap shots though). And personally, I love the Bergeron curve in the RBK's.

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The RBK tapered blades are holding up great for me....both on ice and sport court (bare in mind that I am not big on taking slap shots though). And personally, I love the Bergeron curve in the RBK's.

Which rbk blade was that? I used the 6k from last year and they were lasting me around a month and a half before i had to replace them. But then again playing at the rec center at school with a bunch of the frat guys who must think they are lumberjacks probly didnt help at all

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The RBK tapered blades are holding up great for me....both on ice and sport court (bare in mind that I am not big on taking slap shots though). And personally, I love the Bergeron curve in the RBK's.

Which rbk blade was that? I used the 6k from last year and they were lasting me around a month and a half before i had to replace them. But then again playing at the rec center at school with a bunch of the frat guys who must think they are lumberjacks probly didnt help at all


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from my experience i was really impress with the warrior blades. I play roller hockey 3 times a week and this blade has gone through a good 40 plus games w/out cracking/breaking. Most of the blades i had in the past (easton sythesis, vapor xv, vapor xx, rbk 7k) all lasted me a few games and they were not as stiff as the warriors. The only downside is you can't find a curve pattern you like w/ the warriors. The ccm v10.0 are good too, very stiff, a little heave compared with the warriors and i notice the puck just flies with the warriors. sorry for the long response!

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Uhm v10.0 blades (silver color) are the lighest rb's I've ever used. Noticeably (not much but enough you can tell em apart...) lighter than the Warrior dolomite blades I've used.

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