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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Practice Passing Off Ice

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If you have a friend to train with you can pass a smarthockey call between you on any surface - you will get some funny bounces which is good for your hand eye do-ord and it will not be perfect but the weight of the ball will require similar cushioning as a puck.

Or buy and 8' by 3' skillpad, or a couple if you want longer range and you can pass pucks back and forth.

If you are on your own get and old tyre and lay it flat on the floor and a puck or ball will come back ith venom plus the curve of the tyre means the puck will come back and varying angles which will keep you moving.


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nice tyre thing, I need to try that.

I learnt to pass accuratly by shooting wrist shots at home at goals aiming for different areas of the goal. It worked for me, might work for you.

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