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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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profiling pros, help needed

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Currently I have a new pair of rbk 9k size 8.5 D, Withthe 8.5 i have a little

tiny bit of room in the toe cap, However I like the way it feels.

My old profile was as follows, 9ft rocker, 7/16th hollow, and med toe down pitch. I only like to use the non-scalped steel. I had the old profile added onto the 9ks, even before I bought these I just felt liek I cant get on my toes and I cant really corner well and with 7/16ths it feels hard to stop.

I tried a 8ft rocker back when I had a size 9 ccm skate and loved the feel of being able to turn on a time but i lost speed! I am also 195lbs and feel 9/16ths maybe to deep? i skated on 3/4ths and that was to flat but fun haha.

I have un-godly LONG LEGS for a man. And you can tell when i skate that I have long legs, NOW Should I Get a deep fwd pitch on my profile because my legs a longer then normal guys? Also Can I/should I go to an 8.5ft rocker on a size 8.5 skate? I dont want to lose all my speed. Also where can I get this done at? I moved and have no profiling pros around here? Also they used some oil finish while sharpening that made me glide better. So if your a pro at profiling please PM me so we can figure something out as I will pay for a professional job. Thanks in advance.

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