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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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building stamina

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what are the best ways to build stamina on and off the ice for skating and what are good ways to build stamina for short sprints like 15-20 seconds

im 16 and in fairly well shape

any thoughts would be appreciated thanks

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Interval training, on a stationary bike. Go normal pace for about 45 seconds, then go full bore for 20. Repeat until you're going to die.

Do shuttle runs or suicides. Just sprint inbetween two lines, maybe 15 yards apart, 3 times there and back. Rest thirty seconds, and repeat.

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Interval training, on a stationary bike. Go normal pace for about 45 seconds, then go full bore for 20. Repeat until you're going to die.

Do shuttle runs or suicides. Just sprint inbetween two lines, maybe 15 yards apart, 3 times there and back. Rest thirty seconds, and repeat.

I would second that.

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Do you currently do any running? If so, consider adding some Fartlek training. The link gives an overview; you'd have to come up with a more hockey-appropriate plan.

I find this type of running more interesting than a plain old jog, and it definitely helps my cardio performance for all the sports I play.

Good luck!

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Intervals is by far the best way to increase your stamina, endurance and your VO2max. Try jogging for 45 mins to an hour, do 3 minutes of jogging followed by 30 to 60 seconds of sprinting and then drop back into your jogging as a recovery. Ideally.....you want to set up your sprints so that you can do your intervals properly for 45 mins, so don't initially try doing this workout with 60 second intervals. Try and build up to it over time.

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