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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lunar Eclipse

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Hey guys, just wondering if anyone is planning on staying up and watching the Eclipse tonight. I'm going to try and take some pics and will post them later on if I get any good ones. This is the second Lunar Eclipse of the year, and apparantly will be better for sight this time around.

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Lunar eclipses happen pretty often as compared to a solar eclipse. Give it a while and you could see one that'll occur much earlier in the night.

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I saw it this morning on my way to work. My son received extra credit if he got up to see it. I woke him up at 0315 before I went to work and showed it to him. Hopefully he will get a few extra points for it. The eclipse was pretty cool, but nothing to write home about. Not nearly as spectacular, obviously, as a solar eclipse. I got to see that one back in 1980 or whenever it was. The "epicenter" was Lewiston Montana and I was there.

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Yeah, I have never seen a Solar Eclipse, but I have seen a few Lunar. I got some decent pictures, of the shadow coming over the moon at different times and a few when it was red. I had to keep the shutter on the camera open for a long time, and it was hard to keep the camera still without it being on a tri pod but the ones i did get to keep it still on turned out nice. I'll post'm up here when I get the laptop back at the end of the week.

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