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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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for those of you who have looked at that nike hockey training site, you might have saw these.

under the gear link, really nice shoes, shirts, and shorts were listed. i was wondering where they were available to buy. i searched them and couldnt find anything.

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If you live in Canada you should try SportChek and Sport Mart (as they are national chain stores and located all over Canada). You can also try your LHS and depending on where you are located (also in Canada) try a Nike shop.

Or if you know someone that lives in Canada, they might be able to help. From what I was told from Nike Canada, the 'hockey training' shoes and apparel are "Canada Only" but some of the hockey apparel such as the 'Grip Print' shirts and pants are available in the US. Your best bet for those are (again) your LHS or try some online sites.

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