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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Misson Price Cut

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Hi, for anyone interested, epuck is offering a huge discount on the Wicked Line this week. to bad those Wicked 1's and 3's aren't 'break'inable'...



There should be huge discounts going on for the Wicked skates since the new line up is arriving soon for 2008. But to be honest, they're not worth it. I personally wouldn't recomend them. I have two team mates skating on the Wicked 1s and 3s. The guys skating on the 3s finally broke them in after 3 or so months. The other one skating on the 1s is still in the process of breaking them in but said he hates them because they're killing his ankles. Have you seen the new Mission line up for 2008? They are sick looking skates. I already saw them in person when their reps showed them to me when they were at my local hockey shop showing off the new line up. You can read about them at this link


The Syndicate Boss is their top of the line skate. The whole new line up is supposedly better than the wicked and previous skates, from what I have seen and read. You could probably pay the same amount for the Syndicate Lieutenant as you would for the lower priced Wicked one's but the Liuetenat would probably be a better skate in terms or confort. Quality should be the same or better and the new line up seems to be built nicely. I pre-ordered the Boss since they offered me a discount and hopefully I will be getting them before 10/1.

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