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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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r2 blade

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dude this is kinda wierd. i just bought an r2 blade from my friend, it's like brand new. and it feels like s h ! t. my shot like is so inaccurate and weak. but when i go back to my synthesis blade, my shot is fine. i had the r2 in my xn10 shaft, and when i had a synth blade in there my shots were fine. iunno, maybe i'll switch shafts, put it in one of my broken synergy shafts. what do you guys think?

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could be a couple things maybe....have you tried flexing the blade with your hands to see if it's soft? how about the pattern? are the r2 & sythesis the same patterned blade? and make sure it's a tight fit when you put the blade in...there's no play in the tenon area is there?...

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yeah, same pattern. modo synth, tkachuck r2. i put tape and glue on the blade tenon, and it wasn't wiggling at all when i played. it was a bit small for my synergy shaft tho. i flexed it with my hands, it is a lil soft, but not like that one time i broke a synth blade in five days -_____-

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Have you checked to make sure that the blade didn't change the length of your stick at all? That could be the cause of your problem.

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Have you checked to make sure that the blade didn't change the length of your stick at all? That could be the cause of your problem.

I replaced a hybrid synthiesis with an R2 wood a couple of weeks ago and it did make the stick a bit longer. Enough that I notice the difference.

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nope, absolutely no difference in the length of the stick. this is mearuing from toe to end and heel to end. both are exactly the same

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