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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pens players deliver season tickets

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Wow! That is really awesome!

Though, I don't buy season tickets. Too expensive for a kid like me, and I don't know how many games I could make it to. But still... Having Crosby show up on your door is unbelievable.

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That is pretty sweet. I remember watching them passing out the pizzas last year, but to have Sid or Malkin or any actual player show up with your tickets would be unreal.

And that little old ladys got some balls telling Sid he won't win it this year. Haha!

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What's really funny is at the end of the second video - as Sid is leaving her house, you can see him putting his shoes back on. Do you think she asked him to, or did he do it on his own? I mean, if Sid ever showed up at my door, I wouldn't care if he wore his skates on my hardwood floors!

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Hahah like he really needs to wear his jersey for a season ticket holder to know who he is. I know he just did it for the photo but that is cool as hell, all i got to se was Ed Sniders wrinkly face when I went to get our tickets with my dad today.

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Hahah like he really needs to wear his jersey for a season ticket holder to know who he is. I know he just did it for the photo but that is cool as hell, all i got to se was Ed Sniders wrinkly face when I went to get our tickets with my dad today.

Did you ask why it took so long to get rid of Clarke?

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