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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inseason work out program

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I just keep a normal routine during the hockey season, i.e. chest monday, bicep tricep wednesday etc... But I try to do legs at least 2 days before a game. I actually like working out my upper body before a game, it warms me up.

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If you want to keep it quick, simple, and very effective.......

Warm up....then

4 sets of squats

4 sets of clean / press

3 sets of ab work.

Right there, you just hit your whole body, got a good workout as far as sport specific is concerned, and its without overtraining. If your eating right, you could even see some gains during the year. Remember, you don't need to be in the gym for 3 hours. You could get all that done in 45 minutes easy.

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I actually like working out my upper body before a game, it warms me up.

I was doing that for awhile last year. I'd hit the gym for a light workout before a game and felt a lot better on the ice.

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Remember to keep a regeneration day in the workout-schedule. If you sleep on having regeneration days, your work out will be have more negative effects than positive.

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I'm only a beer leaguer but this is what I do.

Next day 20 min bike to help w/lactic acid buildup

24 hr rest

following day set:

prisoner squats x15

pushups x15 (variation of diamond, standard, and hindu set to set)

30 second plank

jumping jacks x 30

side plank 15 sec

mountain climber x12 (alternating w/crossover)

no rest in between excercises

1 minute break between sets

3 sets

once a week intervals on the bike

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